Taylor Hawkins

1972 - 2022

On March 25th, 2022 the Foo Fighters family tragically lost Taylor Hawkins. We at FooFightersLive send our condolences to his family, friends, and every other member of the large Foo Fighters Family.

As fans we are also of course hugely devasted by this loss and wanted to offer a place for fans around the world to leave a short message in memory of the man we all loved, whether we met him or not. When the time is right we will forward the page to Foo Fighters management.

To leave your message click the button, it will then appear on the wall below. Your message may also include an image if you choose.

Add Your Message

Taylor. Siempre te recordaremos. Los Foo Fighters son la música que siempre nos recordará los viajes en familia. Quedamos absolutamente devastados con la noticia, y aún hoy, tres dias después de tu muerte estamos shockeados, incrédulos y absolutamente consternados con tu partida.

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Alejandra Gallardo


Taylor, you'll miss you. I'm so sad. My favorite drummer. I work my first patterns with your songs. Your smile, your voice, your powerful drums tracks missed me. R.I.P. Taylor...



I became a fan of the Foo's last year and fell in love with their songs. Taylor truly inspired me in wanting to pick up a instrument like drums and sing as well. He and Dave were my favorite members. Wish I could've thanked him for the music and all, Rest In Peace Taylor

Degan Pattison

Du warst eine Inspiration! Die Welt ist nicht mehr die selbe ohne dich!



I am simply devastated.

Lori Fisher

North Carolina

I know I should say rest in peace, but I hope you don't, I hope you rock so hard and so loud up there we hear you down here. Never thought I could feel this broken over someone I've never met in person. Man! You will be missed❤

Zoe Peacock

North yorkshire, Uk

When I was first introduced to your music I used to think that you Taylor and Dave Grohl were actual blood brothers. you were not. BUT EACH TIME u played in Australia U rocked out just like John Bonha from led zeppelin. I and every aussie grieve for U your family & band matesRIP

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R I P Taylor... you will be missed .. condolences to all family and closest friends .. will miss that big smile behind those drums 😢



Taylor along with Foo Fighters, has been my vessel since childhood. Some of my earliest and fondest memories are represented by him with the band, his covers where he'd swap with Dave specifically, that I loved listening to. He lives through his music and will never be forgotten.



Never a more appropriate song lyric “ One of these days your heart will stop and play it's final beat” . As with many others I didn’t know you, but your passing has affected me deeply. What an absolutely tragedy and such a loss. Your songs shaped my formative years and still do.



r.i.p taylor we are going to miss you. You were a lovely person and an excellent musician. missing you. 💔❤️

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I didn’t know you personally but I feel like I do. This band has been the only constant in my life for 20 years and the relationship between you and Dave just made my heart smile. Sending everyone a huge hug - together we mourn with you. All of us. I’m so sorry for our loss

Nikki T


Such a tragic loss. I was lucky enough to see Taylor play 4 times. His energy, humour and effortless coolness will always stay will me. Thank you for the music, Hawk. My heart is broken for his family and band mates. Thinking of you all now.



Thank you Taylor.Thank you for the memories, the joy, the laughter and the wonderful experiences I have had being blessed enough to see you and your band four different times in concert. I will always cherish those moments and hold them close to my heart. You will be so missed!


St. Louis

Man! I am still numb. You were my drumming and music inspiration, my creative driving force… fuck I don’t know where to go from here. I couldn’t bring myself to play drums to any of your songs in the last few days. I’m going to miss you T. Much love x

Adam Skinner

Newcastle Australia

So sad RIP my hero

Eric Benard

Bordeaux france

Thank you for being awesome Taylor, RIP ❤️❤️

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Rachel Johnston

Too soon… rest in peace Taylor, we will love you and miss you for ever 💔🇦🇷


You were the best drummer in the world. Thank you Taylor. 💔

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My fave memory wasn’t even seeing you play. It was one of my first rock shows at Barrowlands in 99, watching you and Dave head banging at side of stage to Hellacopters, your grin so huge 14 year old me just understood the love for music. Thank you T for all memories since xx

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Taylor, você é gigante. Obrigada por sua arte, sua energia, seu amor e dedicação pela música. Você fez a diferença no rock e na vida de muitas pessoas. Obrigada por tudo, você é incrível e inesquecível. Sua essencia sempre estará viva para seus fãs. Força Foo Fighters. Com amor.

Grazi Anhani

São Paulo, Brasil

Heartbreaking news. So sad.

I was lucky enough to see Taylor perform with the Foo Fighters a few times. Fantastic drummer, right up there with the best.

Gone far too soon.

RIP my friend.



I woke on Saturday to devastating news, such a sad moment in time to loose a member of a band you love. I feel for Dave the bandand his family, devastating loss of a close friend never easier I'm sure! We shall all miss his presen, his talent and his energy on stage R.I.P Taylor

Dan B

Manchester UK

R.I.P Taylor, you will be sorely missed.....Freddy can thank you personally now 💔 xxx



Over 25 years I have learned to play drums hearing Taylor on Foos , so many years, and that it's what he feels like part of my family too, I was lucky to see him alive 2 times and I will never forget his energy , and the inspiration that he was to me, Rest in peace Bro

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Gonzalo Fraifer


Rest in peace taylor, you are my hero since my college days, now im 42 years old..and i still appreciate the way u energize the foos..with my two sons.thank you so much for the memories,

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Archiebald arcedera


I woke on Saturday to devastating news, such a sad moment in time to loose a member of a band you love. I feel for Dave, the band and family, the loss of a close friend/ loved on never easier I'm sure! We shall all miss his presence, his talent and energy on stage R.I.P Taylor.

Dan B

Manchester UK

im proud to say that almost all my life i been hearing foo fighters and i saw them on Lolla Chile and that concert is the best thing that happend in my life, the rock will miss you Taylor



God bless foo fighters.
My Heart Is with Dave, the band, foos family and fans around the world, we Will miss his horrible shorts and pants. We Will miss him.. tantissimo.
Words are not enought now, Just Say thank you Hero 💔



There really are no words for such a loss. Not only are his family and band mates devastated, all of us are. Things will never be the same again. He was amazing to watch and listen to. 😢💔



i miss you so much thank you for always making me laugh when i was going through shitty stuff and for also motivating me to keep on going miss you forever taylor 💗


Im so heartbroken. Rest in peace, Taylor. You will be missed ❤



Still doesn’t seem real that this happened… can’t believe the last time we saw you In Connecticut was the last time we’d see you. Words can’t express the pain the Foo fans feel right now. Heartbroken

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New Jersey

R.I.P the best drummer 🖤🖤🖤

Kasia Wysocka

Mansfield UK

My heart is no different from billions of others, it it literally shattered. I am a 58 year old 19 years rocker who adored The Foo Fighters and relationship of Taylor and Dave. Your songs spoke to me through every event of my life. I lost my son 8-31-20 to a overdose ....THIS HUR

Michel cohen

St. Charles, Missouri

My heart is no different from billions of others, it it literally shattered. I am a 58 year old 19 years rocker who adored The Foo Fighters and relationship of Taylor and Dave. Your songs spoke to me through every event of my life. I lost my son 8-31-20 to a overdose ....THIS HUR

Michel cohen

St. Charles, Missouri

This one hurt a lot! My heart goes out to your family, the band and everyone that you have influenced! Rest in piece and keep rocking!


Gloucester England

deeply saddened, rest in peace 💞



Taylor, I'm heartbroken that you're gone. Thankyou for always being such an inspiration to me and my younger brother.
Big love to you
#theregoesmyhero ❤

Eleanor O'D


Tu vas nous manquer, un batteur exceptionnel pour un groupe qu il l est encore plus... repose en paix et passe le bonjour à tous ceux qui sont là haut...



Monday morning, 28th, cup of coffee in my hand, still processing. Never met you or knew you. However, thru your music you reached me and created a bond. The foo fighters will never be the same without you. From the pit of my heart, thank you for being you!! You will be missed!!


North Carolina

You lit up a room
You lit up the stage
You rocked the world
You'll light up the sky
Rock on



Your music is one of the cornerstones of my life. It will forever be a part of me.



Dear Taylor, thank you… Thank you for your music..🙏🏻
You’ll be always in our hearts ♥️

Giulia Casprini


I sent this message through IG mere hours after I learned what happened, posting it here too in the hope that it will reach you guys. All the love and support in the world for the foo family

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Another legend taken too soon x



Thank you for the joy you brought to me. Luckily I saw you and the guys in Glasgow 2019. You were incredible as always. The music will live forever rocking the world with the best drumming on the planet. Again thank you for making everything just so much better 🤘🤘🤘

Dave Mclachlan


RIP ,Taylor , you were so many things to so many people , you were such an awesome musician ,on a level of your own ,your set is finished , now you can sit back and enjoy the show , you’ll be sorely missed , thoughts are with your beautiful family

Scott , Tye, Zane


Rest In Peace, Taylor. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. I feel very privileged to have seen you play live and I speak for everyone in saying we'll miss not having that opportunity. I pray that everyone you've touched finds peace and that you rest easy. THANK YOU



The world already misses your drums... your skills were out of this world...



Played for us in the shittiest weather known to man. Still so full of happiness and life. RIP man🤘


rock on. i wish i could see you again but i know youre giving heaven a piece of hell up there. we all miss you ❤️

madi currall


Taylor....I still don't believe your gone it's heart wrenching. I'm so sorry to Alison and the Kids. To his family and friends and to the foo fighters family. I'm so sorry we have lost a bright and shining star. The heartbeat on the drums. Love will always be eternal Taylor xxx

James Haskell

Manchester UK

thank you for everything, taylor. you’ve inspired me since I was a little kid. I will always love you.



Thank you Taylor for gifting us all with your music. You remain a great inspiration to everyone who ever heard or saw you play. You will be missed. Kudos, my hero.
My heart goes out to his family and friends.



R.I.P Drum hero! Gracias por tu arte!



R.I.P. Taylor... Rock the heaven with all the Others Legends

Marc Eickhoff


taylor, you were such a inspiration to not only me but others. you had such a positive impact on everyone in your life… family, friends, fans… it’s was so hard for me to hear this news, even though i never had the chance to meet you , i feel like i lost my own relative. prayers❤️

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South carolina


Paola Aránguiz


Shocked beyond belief at the death of Taylor Hawkins. Foo Fighters have influenced me since the age of 10, I have seen them live 5 times, and we were due to see them again this year. This is an absolute tragedy, he was an amazing performer, songwriter and all round funny guy.

Nino Vydeenaden

Littlehampton U.K

I am devastated that you're gone. I am heartbroken if you were in any pain.
You came into my life via Alanis Morissette and her brilliant band.
You left it as one of the most amazing brilliant musicians in one of the most amazing brilliant bands.
Rest in power.

Merrill Matthews

Montreal, Quebec

Tot el meu respecte per aquet gran music i persona, descansi en pau.


Barcelona - Catalunya

Rest In Peace, Taylor 💔 I want to thank you for being a part of this band that has gotten me through some of my darkest times. I’m incredibly sad I wasn’t able to see you and the Foo’s in person. You will be missed so much.


United States

True genius massive talent and personality - the music world and the world itself is less with your passing

Danny Johnson


Taylor you were taken too. will live on through your music, may that bring comfort to your family, fellow Foos & fans globally. That infections smile & down to earth character will shine forever along with being the most awesome drummer.
Sending love & strength to your family ❤❤

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Lucy Wilkins


The foo fighters have been a huge part of my life, I’ve not missed a uk show in 22 years, except one which was 3 weeks after the birth of my son but l still had a ticket! Taylor you will be missed 💔 heaven just got a little louder 🥁



The best drummer is now in heaven! Rest un peace Taylor Hawkins. We will miss you ❤️

Antonella Pella

Lima, Peru

What an experience it was to hear you play, just when you thought you couldn't be any more talented on the drums you picked up the mic and blew the crowd away. Rest in peace Taylor Hawkins.

Heather Hayat


Taylor, gone too soon but never to be forgotten in my heart. Although I never met you, your music has given me my joy and always will 💔

Leah Hammond

Darwin, Australia

So sad...no words...RIP Taylor



You will be missed Taylor, thank you for all the incredible music over the years and helping me through a lot of dark times in my life with it.

Rock on in heaven buddy.


We feel very much your lost, our lost. Taylor was a incredible human, he was so much wonderful... he was a beautiful energy and i now you are gona miss him because thats was him, the tipe of people you want in your life. I send you all my force and love.

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Rio gallegos

At the end, all that stays is gratitude and love. RIP Taylor Hawkins 🖤


Germany, Langenfeld

Taylor, you were such an exceptional drummer and person, I didn’t know you in person, but had this special connection with the Foos, and it’s so difficult for me to assimilate this news. Foo Fighters music has been my life’s soundtrack. Thank you for bringing joy to my life. RIP

Gisselle Rivera

Bogota, Colombia

Dolor inmenso, una tristeza infinita. Ahora vas a poder tocar con Freddy en el cielo (L). Te vi en Vélez 2018, el cual vi el mejor recital de mi vida. Gracias por tanto Taylor, te voy a extrañar :(.



Taylor you will be missed so much. Your amazing talent, your beautiful smile, and wonderful personality. I can't believe you're gone. Thank you for the music. Thinking of your family, the band, and all who are close to you. Rip you amazing guy. We love you. ❤

Sharon Hopewell

Shepshed, Leicestershire, England

Into the sun we climb
Climbing our wings will burn white
Everyone strapped in tight
We'll ride it out
I'll be coming home next year

You'll be missed ;(


1st ever FF concert won tickets on a radio station 17/2/15 (Taylors 43rd Birthday) Sonic Highways Tour Brisbane Australia 24/2/15.
2nd concert Concrete Gold Tour Brisbane Australia 25/1/18 caught 1 of Taylors drumsticks. A stick amongst many that Taylors beat has touched 💔🙏🏼🤘🏽

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Jason Marmara

Gold Coast Australia

For some people music is our companion at times when we need someone else, Foo fighters are my company always.... Losing Taylor is very painful, it's like taking away a little bit of my happiness. If it hurts me this way, it must hurt his mates a thousand times more.


Foo Fighters helped me through a hard time in my life. Seeing your smile & energy behind the drums was uplifting & fun. Prayers to you family, your band family & friends. Rock on Taylor Hawkins 🥺😭💜

Nancy G

Fresno, California

An icon. A legend. A drummer that would be considered an all-time great had he appeared in another era.

Thoughts go out to all who knew him.


South Africa

Speechless 😢



Through this absolute tragedy we have read so many positive and uplifting comments regarding Taylor and the life he lead. I hope his family and of course the Foos are so proud of him, not only of his contribution to music but the man that he was. We will never forget Taylor.



Taylor Hawkins the energy, the positive vibes, the closeness with your band family shined through your 🎵 music. Watching you at Bottle Rock was amazing! My sincere condolences to your familia! Thank you for the beautiful music. Enjoy jamming with Charlie. RIP!

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Veronica Torres

Sparks, Nevada

My friends and I send our love and support to his family, friends, the band, and all the fans. When you listen to all the music he had created over the last few decades on a daily basis, watch every interview and clip, video he was a part of its hard not to feel totally at loss.



RIP you will be missed
Love and best wishes to your wife and kids

Darren morrison mcneil

Bristol uk

Still can't believe your gone... it's so unreal I feel very sad. Thank you for your music your talent, you ll be miss. Love.



Te fuiste muy pronto. Ve con Dios y ve en paz. Eres inspiración de muchos y feliz recuerdo para todos. Que tu familia, tus hijos, tus bandas y amigos pronto encuentren también la paz y sigas siendo su inspiración y ese recuerdo que los anime a avanzar y a seguir creando.

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Claudia Maria


A huge, huge loss for music, for the band, for the Hawkins family, for the fans, for the world.
This has cut everyone so deep. Taylor, you are so loved and so missed. Rest in peace. Xx


London, UK

Rock in Heaven Brother Taylor.

John Worsfold

Reading UK

Taylor you absolute legend, the foo s music has been phenomenal and always made me smile, so glad I saw you live, your beautiful smile, gorgeous blonde hair, you are sadly missed by millions, always loved and never ever be FORGOTTEN, sending love and hugs to the Foo Family ❤️❤️x

Susan smeaton

Edinburgh (Scotland)

You were one of the best, i cant imagine what your family are going through. RIP Taylor.

Brendan Flannery


We will miss you and your amazing energy and talent, Taylor. xo



Thank you Taylor for being such an incredibly infectious smiley energy at every Foo gig I’ve been to, your energy & music gave me so much joy & understanding when there was no way to express how I felt about life. I send my heartfelt love & thoughts to your family, this is hard.


Kent, England

Legends never die , your spirit will live on forever , musical inspiration, friend , lover and dad - Rest In Peace

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Khallum Wood

Barrow In Furness England

God only take the good young bet your having the time of your life with Freddie. RIP Taylor you will be missed Foo’s will never be the same.


Goodbyes are not forever, goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.
Rip Taylor Hawkins

Daniel emery


Our heart is broken!!Still shocked.our condolences to his family and friends.The world has lost one of the greatest.He will be truly missed.

Eric und Maike Bachmann


You've never been in Peru but your soul is being always while your playing song from anywhere, we love you Taylor ❤️

Lizbeth Ramírez


Me(16) and my sister(10) were in my room when my mother came in my room to tell us the news we were absolutely broken he was our idol we were just waiting for the day for the foos to come close so we could see him in person we are in mourning even tho we never met him. ❤️


