Taylor Hawkins

1972 - 2022

On March 25th, 2022 the Foo Fighters family tragically lost Taylor Hawkins. We at FooFightersLive send our condolences to his family, friends, and every other member of the large Foo Fighters Family.

As fans we are also of course hugely devasted by this loss and wanted to offer a place for fans around the world to leave a short message in memory of the man we all loved, whether we met him or not. When the time is right we will forward the page to Foo Fighters management.

To leave your message click the button, it will then appear on the wall below. Your message may also include an image if you choose.

Add Your Message

Your voice, energy, love and passion will be missed. Thoughts are with the Foo Fighters family and especially Taylor’s family. RIP ❤️



The Foo’s are such an awesome band. This is a massive tragedy. Person this hits home because of the Queen connection. Taylor got to do what every Queen fan wants to do - get up on stage and do the Ay-oh’s to a responsive crowd! What a legend, what a loss - love and respect

Graeme Hartley


Still don’t believe it. FF will never be the same. Miss you.

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You will be missed legend



So lucky to have seen you play just a couple of weeks ago in Geelong. What a wonderful joyous night it was. Thank you for the music you made which has been a soundtrack to my life. It will love on forever as your musical legacy. My heart breaks for your family, friends and band.


Warrnambool Australia

Thoughts are with his wife and kids and also to his foo family. Very very sad times. RIP Taylor may you rock on wherever you are.

William jack-bryce


Thanks for your Energy, your smile and your music. We'll miss you. Bye bye Taylor

Fabia Lastini

Turin, Italy

So so sad. So much talent. You will be so missed. Rest In Peace Taylor.



RIP Taylor ❤️


South Wales UK

Thank you for the gift of music you have given us,you will not be be forgotten and live on forever in your music and in our hearts. You have touched so many of us with your music, foos have become part of our lives and that is something I am forever grateful for.
Rip Taylor....

Laura Felix


Your smile lit up the stage, the banter between you & your band members was infectious and your talent - awe inspiring. The Foo Fighters band & fans will never be the same. Vale, Taylor.. ♡



Rest In Peace Taylor. Wishing comfort to your loved ones. Your talent and infectious smile, the stories of your kind, funloving spirit are things I hold dear, because although I did not know you personally, I knew you—watching and learning about you, as a friend in the distance.

Danielle Evans

Asotin WA USA

Gracias, GRACIAS por hacerme descubrir la pasión de la música con tu energía y fuerza. Te vamos a extrañar 🤘🏼


Such sad news….incomprehensible 💔 Thank You for your musicality, you will be remembered always by so many. RIP Taylor 🤍


Manchester, U.K.

Thank you, Taylor. Forever grateful to have seen you live more than once. These drumsticks mean so much more now. Rest in Power.🤘🏻😔

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Rico Gabutin

Sydney Australia

My thoughts are with your family and your band brothers during this impossibly difficult time.
The magic you gave us has made you immortal, forever in music and in our hearts.
Thanks for the beats.



My heart is completely shattered. Taylor Hawkins was and will always be a legend, immortalised in our hearts forever💖



To the Hawkins family, to the members of the Foo Fighters band, their roadies, and all associated with this awesome drummer and human. My heartfelt condolences go to all of you on the loss of a beautiful soul, May you Rest In Peace Taylor, heaven has a wicked band upstairs now 💔💔

Heather cooke

Geelong Victoria Australia

Thanks for contributing to a band that was there for me. The world is better because of you.



I was looking forward to seeing you with the band at a concert in the Czech Republic one day. Unfortunately, I didn't make it. Sincere condolences to the family. We'll miss you.


Frýdek-Místek, Czechia

"One of these days your heart will stop and play its final beat. But it's all right." it's not really all right, but keep beating on the skins up there with Bonzo & Keith, and every thunder we hear we will think of you. love.

iuri bolondi

Luzzara RE - Italy

Taylor. It’s hard to even find the words. I love you and I will miss you. Thank you for your beautiful music, the soundtrack to my life. So glad I got to see you one last time in Geelong. Rest easy ❤️

Joanne Nemshich


I have no words am just gutted you have gone too soon. We all have regrets of bands/people we didn't get to to see, glad you are not one of them. I send my love to the rest of the band and everyone feeling Taylor's loss xx



Taylor was the ultimate force after Dave driving Foos, the beast.
I just had only one wish, to see the FF live once in my lifetime. But now, It's painful to think of that.

Rock the heaven Taylor, we all miss you deeply. 💔
With love



RIP Taylor, your beautiful smile and talent will be sorely missed xx
An absolute legend in the world of music, and thoroughly entertaining to watch and hear. You will be greatly missed, glad I got to see you play many times
Thoughts are with your loved ones at this tough time


New Zealand

I had the privilege to see you perform at lollapalooza in chicago last year. I am so lucky I did. My dad showed me the Foo Fighters when I was 4, and you were both our favorite member. My dad and I don’t speak, so you became my role model and father figure. Rest easy ❤️

Natalie Chibe

Chicago, IL

R.I.P Legend you deserve all the love in the world because you changed our lives, thanks for every note that you played and singed. We’ll keep your smile and everything that you did on mind! Love you mate!

Rommel Campos


Gracias por ser parte de esa luz que no me dejo caer en la oscuridad.

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México city

Taylor, thank you for being pure joy with the biggest fuckin smile I've ever seen! Your energy on stage is like nothing else, I'm so glad I got to see that so many times. We are all heartbroken for your family, friends & your brothers in Foo Fighters 💔 Fly high hawk x


Wellington, New Zealand

Absolutely devastated and heartbroken. Taylor will be greatly missed.


The Netjerlands

Taylor, my heart is broken and saddened, we are going to miss you very much. No one can replace you. This is a picture of the last time I saw you, just 10 days ago, and enjoy your beautiful talent.
To Dave, Pat, Nate, Chris and Rami, my heart and my thoughts are with you.

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Grecia Benítez

Mexico City

We met on a sunny afternoon in a restaurant, and you and your mates kindly sat down and joined me to eat. You had a smile/ laugh that was infectious, and the warmest bear hug!
Sleep well now. Keep rocking ♥️

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Rachel Gregory

Auckland, New Zealand

Taylor. Thank you. You’ll be forever loved and missed. Your legend will live on in your family, friends and fans. To Dave, my heart is with you xx


Manchester, uk

RIP Taylor,your music will live on ,feel so privileged I got to see you play .
Heart felt condolences go out to your family and the foo family.



Taylor. Our shining light. Extinguished way too soon. My heart aches for your family, Dave, Chris, Nate, Rami, Pat, and all who loved you. Sending you all love and light, and the strength to get through this impossible time. Thank you for the music. We will always love you.

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Joanne Saignant


You were and innovator & influencer to so many. One of if not the best rock and roll drummer to grace the world. I’ve been lucky enough to see you perform a few times and each time would be blown away. True legend. Thank you and rest easy Taylor



True rocker Rest In Power. rock on in heavy metal heaven 🤘🏻🤘🏻

Glenn Durrant

Surrey England

Thank you Taylor. Words cannot describe how grateful I am that you did what you did in your life. You provided us with the most amazing beat we will ever get, and some of the best songs in history. Gone too soon, you will be missed forever and ever.

Alex Rudd


I still enjoy a Cold Day in the Sun (the weather and the song), forever feel your beat, just thank you for putting your heart and soul into the music you shared with us all ❤️



Thank you for everything you did. I am one out of a million others that you helped get through some dark times. Your warmth, your smile and your presence on stage will forever be missed. Rest easy Taylor ❤️

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New Zealand

Words cannot describe the mark you left on this world. You were a talent and an inspiration to humanity.

Rest easy Taylor. Fly high


Sydney Australia

I can’t believe you’re gone, Taylor. Thank you for the joy you’ve brought me for over 20 years. I’ll miss your amazing drumming, your voice, your enthusiasm, your humor and your love of Queen, which we share. My heart goes out to your family and the band. I’ll love you forever! ❤️

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Erin Cargill

South Carolina




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Fernando Ramírez

Madrid, Spain

You will be missed. Best drummer ever

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The world is going to be a less lively place without you in it! Thanks for the years of music, we're all going to keep rocking together forever!



Sad to hear your gone you will be missed by everyone that loved you and the foo fighters your a big part of the drumming world and you will be rocking in heaven with kurt now ❤


Sydney Australia

Goodbye Taylor. Thank you for all the inspiration, music and jokes you have given us. You always thought you were not worthy of being up there with Roger, Stewart, John, Matt, Dave, Chad and all the other drummers. You definitely were.



A chunk of my heart is gone. You took it with you to the other side.

I’m going to miss you so much Taylor. Love you forever and always.


Thanks for being part of my life. I'll never forget all the times that I was listening to the Foo Fighters and all ghe good memories that I've made with your music.
Thanks for saving me a lot of times, when music was the only thing I had at the moment.
Rest in piece.

Gabriel Alarcom


Thank you for your inspiration and techniques mate. Your music helped me through so much in my life. See you on the other side man.


South Australia

Thank you Taylor. You will be so missed. The Foo Fighters concert in Geelong will remain in my memories forever. The lights may have gone out for you here on earth but you will forever be a star shining brightly in the night sky.

Kathy Lukic

Melbourne Australia

Thank you for all your hype and showmanship. We will miss you. Foo Fighters will never be the same

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Mohamed Shafiee

Taylor, my heart breaks for your family and friends.
Your Foo-beat has been my life's soundtrack, thank you.
To Dave, guys and family, love, peace and I hope you find comfort from all the love around you. Thank you for the awesome music that has made an impact on so many.

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Kerry Lopresti

Wauchope Australia

So blessed to have seen Foo Fighters perform in Geelong only a matter of weeks ago. Taylor, you will always be loved and remembered.
There goes 'our' hero...💔

Erin, Chris & Rian

Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Rest in peace Taylor, you were the beating heart of the Foo’s, devastated 💔 thoughts with your family, the Foo’s and your many friends. Will will never be forgotten X


London UK

“Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day.

Your life was always this and more.
I hope you know how loved you were and always will be.



Rip Taylor x



Thank you for making me laugh, and for making me dance. Thanks for your inspiration, your energy, and your big heart.

Lots of love to everyone in the Foo fam who is hurting right now. Music heals, keep playing it loud for Taylor ❤️❤️❤️


Melbourne, Australia

I love Foo Fighters even though for a much shorter time then most but I quickly fell in love with you all and all your music, I got to see in your recent show in Wisconsin last year, I am glad I got to see you guys, you were the best show I have ever seen, Rest In Piece, Taylor

Dylan Hall

Thank you for putting in so much of yourself into your art for us all.

For every moment i've ever felt loved and at peace while listening to your music, i return it back to your family and friends with my thoughts and prayers.

I love you, T.

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Helluva Khai


I have been such a huge fan of the band since the early days, and I cannot imagine how they must be feeling at this time to be losing one of their soul mates. I hope you’re rocking it up there with Freddie now. Yet another great person taken too young. RIP Taylor x

Laura Hardwick

North West England

A few months ago I took my dad, who knew nothing about the Foos, to a concert. A few songs in he turns to me and says this is one of the best shows he’s ever been to, and was especially in awe of Taylor’s immense talent. Thank you for giving us this beautiful moment. RIP 🤍

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My heart is broken in billions of pieces forever. I’ll miss your incredible & energetic drumming, your lovely smile & most of all your wonderful soul. Thx for all the happiness you brought into my life. I love you Taylor forever! All my deepest love to the band, family & friends



Taylor you will be sadly missed in the world of Music. My 12 year old son calls you Master Of Drums.
Sending condolences and love to your Family, Foo Fighters & friends.
Thank You for your absolutely awesome music xxx


West Australia

RIP Sweet rockin Taylor. We miss you so damn much. A very sad day indeed. Our condolences to his family and friends. Hang in there Dave, thinking of you especially. He'll be jammin up there with Freddy now. 🎼🎵🎧🎤⚘💙



Shocked devastated no words
Your music has been a part of my life for so long
You will be missed Taylor
Sending my thoughts and wishes to the Foo fighters family and to Taylor’s loved ones
His passing has had a massive impact and we are grieving with you all



Your commitment with being your best will always be an inspiration. Rest easy 🤘🏻🤘🏻



Taylor I will cherish all the times I got to see you smash it, be it The Foos or The Coattail’s, though I feel a part of me is now forever gone my heart hopes you are at peace & forever beat those drums in paradise 🖤



To me you always were, be and will be an angel! Your music brings me so much priceless emotions. Like so many people all around the world, I'll miss you so much! Rock In Peace 🤘🥁🕊
Just a random huge French fan.



you made every second in your life count. thanks for being you, Taylor, and thanks for bringing people together using the love you have for music. you’ll be greatly missed.

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Truly glad of having had seen in stage such a smiley, vibrant and genuine person. Your happiness and love for the music will live forever. Thanks and love for your family!

Juan Ararat

New Zealand

Just Heartbreaking my heart is broken
prays for Dave, the boys wife & family
your unbelievable drumming energy and beautiful smile
Will be sadly missed rip Taylor you legend 💔

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Sam B

Singleton Australia

Shocked beyond belief, met you a couple of times and were always happy to stop and have a chat and a picture. Down to earth and happy to make a fans day. See you on the other side bud. ❤️❤️

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Ian & Michelle Harvey

Surrey, UK

I don't have the words on how I feel and cannot begin to imagine how those that knew Taylor personally feel. A HUGE love to his wife, children, family, friends, fans and of course, Dave and the rest of the Foo crew. Sending love and light in these dark times ❤️


Cambridgeshire, UK

The Foo Fighters were with us during our best and worst times and it’s times like these we’d like to show our love and support to the people who make the world better for us every day.
We love and miss you Taylor. 💙

Metav & Itamar


So sad and shocked at your passing Taylor. Your infectious smile and cheeky character will always remain with me, you were an amazing drummer and you will live on forever through your music. My love and thoughts go out to your family, bandmates, friends and fans. Sleep tight xxx


Blackpool, UK

Truly heartbroken over this sudden tragedy. Thanks for all the music and the inspiration to play drums. Your infectious smile will love on. Rest easy Taylor Hawkins, you'll be missed tremendously.

Chris Daley

Phoenix, AZ

I was so nervous when I met Taylor as an aspiring 13 year-old drummer but he was impossibly kind and had so much time for me, encouraging me in my drumming journey. I modelled my drumming on Taylor’s, and still make his drum faces! Hoped I'd get to thank him one day. RIP The Hawk

Jonny Bennett

St Albans, UK

Hey Taylor, just wanted to say we rocked a show in LA at Molly Malones in your honor tonight, dedicated our entire set to you and played Times Like These in solidarity. Our heart goes out to you and the Foo Fighter family. You will be greatly missed, thanks for the music! Much ❤️

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N8 Curtis and Fabiola from Pulsar Radio

Los Angeles, CA

We’re all gonna miss you Taylor, thanks for being such a light in this world



I hope you know how much you will be missed, how much you meant to so many people, how you were cherished and I hope you’ll always carry on rocking. We love you Taylor ❤️❤️

Toulla Corti


I wish I could be there for you all as you have been there for me with your music through the worst times in my life. Taylors light continues to shine in the music he made and the people he touched. He will be missed. Sending hugs, love and thoughts to all xx

Nicole Marengo


🖤🤘🖤 my heart is broken 🖤🤘🖤



Rest In Peace Taylor. Your smile, your voice and skills behind the kit will never be forgotten. Gone too soon, love Bec & April ♥️♥️



I love the foo fighters I had the opportunity to see them twice live in Bogotá Colombia I am devastated with the news I loved Taylor's charisma his smile he was a great drummer thank you for your music. Much love and support at this time to the great Dave

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Lorena Saavedra


Taylor, I will miss watching you light up the stage as a drummer and a singer. You were on of a kind and rock n roll will never be the same without you. Rest easy Taylor Hawkins.

Christina Andersen

Southerm California

I love the foo fighters I had the opportunity to see them twice live in Bogotá Colombia I am devastated with the news I loved Taylor's charisma his smile he was a great drummer thank you for your music. Much love and support at this time to the great Dave

Lorena Saavedra


La primera vez que mi hijo vio un concierto de FF con 5 años me dijo: papa yo quiero ser como ese de la bateria. Ahora tiene 7 años y esta triste como el resto de la familia. Fuiste uno de los mejores. Gracias por tu musica y por hacernos felices

Santi guillen

Barcelona - spain

Taylor your are loved and missed terribly, and now music sounds like i’m listening underwater.
My heart is broken for your family, We share a daughter of the same name.
To the members of the foo fighters, I am sorry about your friend.

Sando Ingram

Melbourne Australia

Rest easy mate, you were such a high spirited person and loved watching you play, foo fighters have always been a big part of my life growing up and going to every Aussie show you played. Going to miss you hope your making some noise up there brother



As a massive fan of Foo Fighters for as long as I can remember, Taylor's death has come as a devastating blow. My love and thoughts go out to every single person affected by his death; friends, family and fans. We will love him forever ❤️💔


Yorkshire, UK

I never got to meet you face to face Taylor, but I saw you many times from the crowd at Foo’s gigs. I shouted at the radio and burst into tears when they announced that you had passed away...
Rest easy Taylor, we always have and always will love you xxx


Bedfordshire, England

God bless you all

Dan Hooper

North Shields, England

Rest Easy Taylor . Thankyou for the Music your wonderful Smile . Life goes so fast and gone in the blink of a eye . Where gutted that we never got to see you in concert we where waiting for you all to come to Anfield in Liverpool England but it wasn’t to be . Love always ❤️

Iria and Graham Dyson

Liverpool England

Your energy, enthusiasm, and love of music always shone through. You will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with his family and friends during this awful time. Xxxx


Brisbane, Australia

You were my hero, rest in peace. Sending hugs to your family and the rest of the band ❤️😢

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Devon England

Everlong will you be etched into the memories of your family, friends and Fans! Rest in Peace legend!


Cape Town

You will be missed, Taylor. Rest easy.


Western Australia

Rest easy dear legend. Your story will never fade.

Megan Raasch

Durban. South Africa

Rest in peace legend - you will be so missed.


