Taylor Hawkins

1972 - 2022

On March 25th, 2022 the Foo Fighters family tragically lost Taylor Hawkins. We at FooFightersLive send our condolences to his family, friends, and every other member of the large Foo Fighters Family.

As fans we are also of course hugely devasted by this loss and wanted to offer a place for fans around the world to leave a short message in memory of the man we all loved, whether we met him or not. When the time is right we will forward the page to Foo Fighters management.

To leave your message click the button, it will then appear on the wall below. Your message may also include an image if you choose.

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Taylor has been a massive part of my life for years now. He always put so much energy into everything he was did and that's why he was one of the best! My heart goes out to the other members of Foo Fighters, the crew and of course his family.
RIP Taylor we all miss you!



E triste ter pedido uma herói, um mentor musical e principalmente um ídolo, sua missão nesse fundo foi cumprida onde você mostrou como é bom fazer música com amor.
Deus irá lhe receber de braços aberto e agradecer pelo sua missão na terra.
Descanse em paz Taylor

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André Luiz dos Santos Barros

São Paulo Brazil

Rest In Peace Taylor. Your smile, your voice and your skills behind the kit will never be forgotten. Gone too soon. Love Bec & April ♥️♥️



Taylor, we’re going to miss you so much. Your laughter, your smile, your amazing drumming and music, your wonderful music videos (you were too good as a woman)😁. Will remember you forever. Love to your family, all the Foos but especially Dave❤️❤️❤️❤️

Fiona Davidson


You are one of a kind. Completely irreplaceable. One of my biggest musical heroes, and the first one to depart. I'll never be able to thank you in person for the inspiration you've given me to play the drums, so I only hope that you're listening now.
Rest well, Taylor.


Melbourne, AUS

I am so sorry for your loss and it is a big loss what a lovey man and amazing band he will live on in a lot of peoples hearts rip xxz

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Taylor you were so hugely talented, your drum playing was so exciting, an integral part of the Foos, I don't even know how they will cope without you, so sorry to all who knew and loved you, may you rock in peace❤

Julie Weir


🇫🇷 Rip Taylor. We will really you.
I never had the chance to meet him personnaly despite the fact I'm a die hard Fan.
But, I remember him on a French TV show, we were put at the back of the stage, putting us 'far' from Dave, but close to T & had a stick. My memory For ever

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Fred alias Frezfoo


Although I never meet you, you and the Foo’s have had such a massive impact on my life and my absolute love of music and drums. You will be so missed. The world will be quieter without your music, your singing, without that infectious smile. RIP Taylor. Thanks for the music xo


Adelaide, Australia

Dear Dave, Nate, Chris, Rami & Pat,

My daughter & I have been sick to our stomachs since we heard the news. All of you along with Taylor's family are in our constant thoughts and daily prayers. We feel so fortunate to see you in Seattle last fall. We love you all dearly! XO

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Karnelle Stojakovic


An unbridgeable void. You will always be alive in us, in our hearts, in the music ❤ We love You.

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Thank you Taylor for all the head banging,feet stomping rhythm from your ❤️ heart and soul,you will be missed and never forgotten.

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Wendy Wingett

Ohio USA

Taylor, we only saw Foo Fighters twice, you were a number 1 drummer. I loved it when you sang under pressure and the love you showed when you were playing. Condolences to your family, friends other Foo Fighters fans around the world. Lots of love xxxxxx

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Bedfordshire, England

Taylor, I still can't believe this has happened - you were taken far too soon. My thoughts are with the band,your family and friends. I'm lucky to say I have seen you live 11 times across UK and Europe but devastated I won't get to see you again in June 💔💔💔💔💔



Thank you for the music, your insane drumming and that SMILE! You will be very much missed. Love to your family and the rest of the band. Gone too soon. Keep rocking up there xxx


Oxford, UK

Taylor, I had the privilege of seeing you and the Foos live many times around the globe but that was never enough. Your infectious smile and chillaxed outlook on life always made me happy. We are all devastated by your passing but your music and legacy will live on in our hearts.


Brisvegas, Australia

rest in peace man you were such a good person and a talented drummer and singer, thank you for all the love you have put in this world❤️❤️ may you rest in peace

amy mcgill

melborne australia

Vale Taylor Hawkins! Such an incredible talent that will be sadly missed. Much love to your family x



I listen to foo fighters sinces I was 17 ,In so many years songs of FF gives me a lot strength to get through the depression, and a lot passion too. That would be one of the biggest regret of my life for never see whole FFs‘ show in live.

zejie fang


🖤 Taylor Hawkins you were enough - you were never seen by fans as "just the drummer" in the foo fighters.
You brought it every show as did all the guys, rest now.
For your family and the band of brothers you leave behind - your in our thoughts and hearts 💕

Helen Louise


The Master Drummer. Your talent will never be forgotten. Nor that wonderful smile. The gigs will be forever in my mind. Rest in Peace without a care. I will never forget you.



The Master Drummer. Your talent will never be forgotten. Nor that wonderful smile. The gigs will be forever in my mind. Rest in Peace without a care. I will never forget you.



I listen to foo fighters sinces I was 17 ,In so many years songs of FF gives me a lot strength to get through the depression, and a lot passion too. That would be one of the biggest regret of my life for never see whole FFs‘ show in live.

zejie fang


Thank you for the music. You'll be incredibly missed.



Rest easy Taylor



For the seismic stadium concerts.
For the booming beats and ballads.
For the meaning midst the music.

For all of it, from all of us:

Thank you.

We love you.

The world rocked more with you in it🤘🏼


New Zealand

Thanks for the music and memory’s my all time favourite band my go to music when I’m feeling sad and depressed love and wishes to the Hawkins family and the foo fighters family Rest In Peace you legend



I am broken hearted by your sudden and tragic passing. Thanks for the music and that mesmerising smile. Things will never be the same but you will live on through the best damn Rock that ever was or will ever be RIP Taylor Hawkins.

Belinda L


To all the FFs - family, friends, fans, wish we could heal once again. RIP Taylor Hawkins.

Claudia Figueiredo


We had “The Best of You”, I guess it’s now time to set your spirit free. Super powered talent, huge inspiration, genuine personality and now… a legend to remember forever. X


The world has lost an incredible human this week I never personally met him but saw him perform live. The energy and beautiful vibe he gave made you believe that everything that was wrong in this world is gonna be alright. Rock on Taylor!! Peace to all close to hm 💔❤️

Kimberly Plante

Rhode Island

I saw you not that long ago at the Geelong concert and I thought you bloody shredded that drum set. I can’t believe your gone. You will live in everyone’s memories forever we love you Taylor Hawkins .

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Forever in my life!!!


Warsaw, Poland

Rest In Peace Taylor.
Such an inspiration for young kids, best drummer to ever live.
Foo fighters aren’t going to be the same without you.
Love you mate !!

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Rest In Peace Taylor.
Such an inspiration for young kids, best drummer to ever live.
Foo fighters aren’t going to be the same without you.
Love you mate !!

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You will be missed Taylor



A man does not die whilst his name is spoken. We will always speak his name



Tuve la oportunidad de ver 3 veces en vivo a los Foo, la última vez fue en el Lollapalooza Chile, la energía que irradiabas era impresionante y contagiosa, gracias por tanto Taylor, descansa en paz dude. 💔

Nelson Monroy


Can’t imagine what the band and family and friends are going through. My thought are with them. Spectacular drummer. There was a symbiosis in Fok Fighers, they matched perfectly to each other I all aspects. Taylor will be truly missed. Love you FF. 💔❤️💔❤️💔❤️

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Love you so much, T. Soar high with all your idols and friends x
May you find your peace, rest east.

Jen Davies


I saw Foo Fighters play in Murrayfield Rugby Stadium when Dave have broken his leg. It was the first time I saw them play live, and I loved every single minute of the gig. Taylor was out of this world on the drums, as was the rest of the band. Such a sad loss. FF Forever!



Can’t Believe you have Gone Your Drumming will live on Forever RIP Taylor Never forgotten

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Charlie Ewart

Devon England

The best. The Hawk. Some boy. RIP


Thanks for everything, your music , your energy, for everything
All my prayers are going to Taylor ´si family, band, friends and fans
We are mourning the loss of one of the best Drummer ever
My heart is broken



Rest in Peace Taylor Hawkins. 1972 - 2022.

My Hero - Taylor Hawkins Tribute - Foo Fighters Acoustic Cover


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I Forget Myself

So so sad, this man was such a sweet soul and a genious drummer. My heart is broken. Rest in peace beautiful soul



I’m like most people in that I never knew you personally. But like everyone you touched me in a certain way that your passing is hard to take. Fly high young man and the foo family will never forget you.


Yorkshire , England

Taylor has been a massive part of my life for years now. I was fortunate enough to see the Foos in 2019 and seeing Taylor play a 10 minute drum solo blew my mind. He always put so much energy into everything he did and that's why he will always be one of the greats. RIP Taylor



Seen the Foos 3 times. The chemistry, the love between them all made them more than just a band. The music helped me through my darkest days. Thank you Taylor. RIP 💔

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Belfast, Northern Ireland

Proper gutted. Hope your family n friends are ok. YNWA

Ste mcdonald


a musician, a father, a hero, an artist, taylor is my inspiration on drums, i play drums because of him, i've been a huge fan of the band Foo Fighters since I was a kid, i was shocked to read about the news, i cried and prayed for Taylor's family and the band.

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São Paulo Brazil

taylor you were one of my biggest inspirations and one of the reasons i want to play drums. my dream was to go to a foo fighters concert and meet you as you are one of my idols. you will be forever missed and may you rest in peace


Taylor 'We will keep you alive forever through the power and Music energy of memory ..
your physical Vibrant presence will be sadly missed from the planet ..
You become a Legend that will live on forever
Thanks for all the Beats and musical treats
foos Forever

Zoe Soane


I have grown up with the Foos since i was a preteen. I owe you so much i cant really express it, thank you Taylor.
May rest in Power Hawk



I prayed a lot for Dave because I'm really worried about Grohl… Anyway, I love you Taylor go with the angels.


São Paulo Brazil

Taylor 'We will keep you alive forever through the power and Music energy of memory ..
your physical Vibrant presence will be sadly missed from the planet ..
You become a Legend that will live on forever
Thanks for all the Beats and musical treats
foos Forever

Zoe Soane


Such a great talent and true Rock star. Keep on drumming up there



It’s hard for me to put into words the sadness I feel right now. You will be missed by so many, as is evident from the outpouring of emotion and words posted by so many over the last few days. Missed but never forgotten. GNU Taylor Hawkins

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So long my teenage idol😭😭😭😭
My World will be so significantly different now

argya bowolaksono


Belfast, August 2019
Thank you for the beats🖤

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I have no words. You're irreplaceable. We're left heartbroken.🖤💔


Schefflenz, Germany

I was lucky enough to witness you at your most legendary show, at the Acropolis. You turned a casual listener of the band, to a hardcore fan.

You'll be missed.

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Athens, Greece

Rest in peace, will miss you.



You will be missed, Taylor! Rest In Peace 🖤



Taylor, you were a ferocious talent and an awesome musician. Your music brought joy to my life over many years and I’m so sorry it has to end. Thanks for everything.



Taylor was and always will be a Rock God. The Foo Fighters are such a part of my world. I don’t think I’ve ever gone a day without their music, The band has always been there for me and I will always be there for them. Love you Taylor RIP

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Tamria Cameron

Knoxville Tennessee

Taylor, you will be missed. People around the world have rocked with you, sang with you, laughed with you and now we cry for you. I send your family strength and compassion in these dark days. You are gone, but never forgotten. Till we see you again.

Don Golde

Long Island NY

Taylor, I’ll miss your $4.99 pants from Rite Aid, goofy smile, incredible talent and everything you gave to the world. This is so tough. Sending love to your family, friends and the wider Foo Fighters family ❤️

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Taylor, you brought such joy into my life through your music and energy.
The way you lived your life is an example to us all.
Thank you for the beautiful memories of seeing you play and inspiring my son to be a drummer.

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Paul Elliott


Dear Taylor, i have no words to describe my sadness. The world has lost a beautiful soul, an amazing talent, a father, son, best friend and husband. My thoughts are with your family and The Foo Fighters, especially Dave. I will always carry you in my heart and on my skin. RIP

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Alfeld, Germany

Rest in peace Taylor. You will be so deeply missed and forever loved. Thank you for everything you gave the world, and for bringing joy to so many. You were talented beyond words and will never be forgotten. 🕊❤❤

Deepest condolences to Taylor's family ❤



Rest In Peace Taylor. There goes my hero, he’s ordinary.

Ryan Beveridge

NSW, Australia

Taylor 💔
To say that we are heartbroken is an understatement, numb, sad, confused, lost, shocked but grateful....grateful for your talent...grateful for the music.....grateful that we got to share you 💔
Thank you for being you ❤️
Always on our mind and forever in our Hearts ❤

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Perth Western Australia

Taylor, your music was a beacon of light during the darkest times. Forever grateful. Rest in peace. X



Farewell legend... 💔

Cedric Rizzo

Paris, France

thank you Taylor, you saved me... I'll always miss you. Lysm



Thank you Taylor, your place in the history of rock music is secured in the hearts of millions of fans around the world. Love and hugs to your family and FF Family ❤️

Darren Mitchell

Girvan, South Ayrshire, Scotland.

TAYLOR HAWKINS!!!!! It was so easy to fall in love with you!!! Your huge smile! Your humor! Your energy! Your ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL drumming!!! MAN..u LIT UP this world!!! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us..forever grateful and so honoured to have been in your p

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Chantal Sheppard


taylor, i have never been so impacted by a strangers death. you were such an inspiration to so many people and i aspire to be like you one day. your talent was incredible. i send all my love to your beautiful wife and kids in these tough times. love you forever taylor hawkins 🕊



Taylor was in inspiration to everyone who watch him play. It's still so surreal that you're not here anymore. When I first watched you and the Foos, you were amazing. One of the best people to every walk this Earth

Thank you Taylor, you will be sorely missed.


Wrexham, North Wales

Thank you for the magic Taylor. I cannot imagine the grief being experienced by your family, friends and of course the Foos. You were such a joy ❤️


Melbourne Oz

Rip Taylor Hawkins. It’s so sad that we lost such a wonderful and talented person so early. I hope he knew how much he was appreciated by the music community and how loved he was by his fans. Sending my love to the foo fighters and their families during this hard time .



RIP Taylor 🙏🙏 You will never be forgotten



Thank you for everything Taylor. My first ever concert was a foo fighters concert and it was amazing. I cant believe you’re gone, rip



I was on the road when that happened. I got to the destination and couldn't believe it. As a drummer myself, I've been always inspired by Taylor since I saw him first. He's been undoubtedly the best drummer of the past 2 decades. My condolences to his family and friends. RIP idol



Hearts broken, I hope you're playing drums in the next life and Dave and the boys are with you again. This is just so incredibly sad xx 💔

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Jen Makim


La primera vez que mi hijo vio un concierto de FF con 5 años me dijo: papa yo quiero ser como ese de la bateria. Ahora tiene 7 años y toca la bateria. y esta triste como el resto de la familia. Fuiste uno de los mejores. Gracias por tu musica y por hacernos felices

Santi guillen

Barcelona - spain

miss you Taylor. You will always be my hero. Thanks for all you did.

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Silke Petra Kleiner

Orihuela Costa / Spain

RIP Taylor 🤍 Thank you for blessing the world with your incredible talent and vibrant personality. I will forever miss you ❤️🤍



Taylor, you've impacted my life more than will ever been known.
I'm so sad you're gone and send my love and strength to your fellow band mates and your family.
You'll live on through your music and I'm feel so lucky that I got to witness your greatness live.

Jodie Lovett





I feel bless and lucky to saw FF once, maybe thinga wouldnt be the same without Taylor and thats makes me heartbreaked, but the show must go on.
"Its times like these, you learn to live again"
Love u guys.

Laura Quinones


Taylor, you never knew how much influence you had in my life. Your music helped me through bad times, the concerts with the Foo's will be never forgotten. You accompanied me since I was as a young adult. Now my kids are with you, too. May yours have a good support now. RIP 💖

Karsten Feierabend

Hamburg, Germany

I still can't believe you're gone :( you will be always in our hearts,rest in peace beautiful angel 🤍 ily

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No words... 🖤💔


Papendrecht, The Netherlands

I’m same age as Taylor, and he was one of the greatest performers I’d ever seen. He will be missed, but his fight is done.. Be at peace…🙏 🤟

Jonathan Florence

Madison, Alabama

good bye Taylor, you're the one of the best drummer in the world. thank you 💖


pavia Italy

Mate- you were so fucking loved. I think it’s very telling that not a single person has had anything bad to say about you. You’ll be missed! Go in style.

Emma B


We travelled to Geelong to see our Foo Fighters & we will be forever grateful we got to be in the “room” with the boys & rock out without a care in the world. Thank you Taylor for your passion, your love for your FF brothers & the music. We will never forget you 💔

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David & Kim Jenkins

Wagga Wagga Australia

Best show a have ever seen. It was back in Alena Pulj…so sad


