Taylor Hawkins

1972 - 2022

On March 25th, 2022 the Foo Fighters family tragically lost Taylor Hawkins. We at FooFightersLive send our condolences to his family, friends, and every other member of the large Foo Fighters Family.

As fans we are also of course hugely devasted by this loss and wanted to offer a place for fans around the world to leave a short message in memory of the man we all loved, whether we met him or not. When the time is right we will forward the page to Foo Fighters management.

To leave your message click the button, it will then appear on the wall below. Your message may also include an image if you choose.

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Your talent and love of music is a light that will now only reach beyond this world. My heart is so sad over your loss especially for your family & bandmates. I have only seen FF live once but it was amazing.

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Jacksonville, FL

That beautiful smile will always be etched in my brain. Thank you for the awesomeness that was you Taylor. Rip. My heart goes out to your family, Dave and the rest of the Foos and your friends and fans. ❤ Fly high Hawkman xxx
Vanessa... Foo fan forever xxx

Vanessa Pomfrett

Essex, England

RIP Taylor. A true legend. The songs you were part of helped me through a time when I saw no light! They kept me alive and helped me to where I am today!

Thoughts are with your family, friends and band mates!

Picture is from your last show in Glasgow

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Glasgow, Scotland

We are devastated. You will be missed! Condolances to friends and family.



I'm so heartbroken but I know you're in a better place, fly high Taylor!!! Thank you for your legacy, thank you for all the energy you gave us and for being part of our lives... You will always be in my heart and you will always be part of my life.


Bogotá, Colombia

I never met Taylor, but every time I watched him perform or listened to him play, I felt like I was watching a friend. I have pit tickets to see the Foo fighters for the first time this summer. I didn't think emotions existed to top my excitement, but I was wrong. 🤍 RIP Taylor


Virginia, USA

I was lucky enought to see you perform live 7 times. Every time I would stand in awe, amazed at the talent you had. The world has lost a fantastic musician, band member, friend, father and husband. My heart goes out to your family and band mates at this very sad time. 💔😢🤘


Darlington England

You and the band were my first source of inspiration when I was 15 and I thought "Ok, now I want to learn an instrument and play in a rock band". Thank you for being the soundtrack of my life. Rest in peace Taylor



Ich denke jeder Mensch wird in irgendeiner Weise von Musik inspiriert,man kann sich damit identifizieren,seine Gefühle ausdrücken und seine Kreativität ausleben!Taylor hat einen großen Teil dazu beigetragen vielen Menschen dieses Tor zur Musik zu öffnen!Rest in Peace!

Carolin Holzhauer


I saw you guys in Glasgow 2019, best gig I have ever been to, the atmosphere, the noise, the crowd, everything.

Watch Studio 666 in February, what a laugh. I hope to see you later this year.

Love to you all, wish I could give you a hug in person. 😘


Lincs, UK

When I found out Taylor Hawkins was dead, i felt absolutely gutted. I wanted to wake up and just say it was a nightmare, but sadly that isn’t the case. Taylor Hawkins will never be forgotten. Rest easy, We love you ❤️



What a privilege has been to live on the same time as an artist like Taylor. The feeling that I hope will always remain is the love he left here through his art. I’m just thankful that I saw him live a couple of times, I’m just sorry I never hugged him. Long live Taylor Hawkins

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Isabella Minnicelli

São Paulo, Brasil

Taylor, fuiste y serás una pieza muy importante en mi vida, me duele tu partida y espero que donde estés te encuentres feliz, gracias por toda tu energía, por ser siempre esa luz de inmensa intensidad, gracias por tanto. Por siempre Taylor Hawkins.

Alf Martinez


Thanks for existing Taylor u will me missed and jamming to foo songs will never be the same can’t wait to hear the concert u and Freddy put on up in the sky


Manitoba Canada

Taylor (+ the Coattail Riders) was the first Foo I saw live. Download 2010! All I could see from the back of the tent was his huge smile and was absolutely blown away. Saw Dave and TCV the same day. Was hooked every opportunity after that was taken to see them. Devastated RIP X

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Anastasia Brereton

Cambridge England

Thanks for the memories
“Their goes our Hero”

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Martin Scott


Taylor, your energy is unrivaled, your talent insane, and your spirit is larger than life. We were blessed to see you in Cleveland in October at the House of Blues, and then witness your induction into the HOF. Your gift will never be lost, but we are sure going to miss you. 💔



To the FF but especially to Dave.
To lose a father, brother, son and friend. One could wish that you could see him again. Yesterday is still a blur and tomorrow feels like forever. I hope and wish that your happiness isn’t all gone, even though today is a living fucking hell.

Vincent R

Thank you for so many years of amazing music. I never met you, or saw you in concert, but your love for music and your energy could be felt through all the music I heard or videos of concerts watched. I’ve been inspired to learn how to play the drums in your memory . 💚


You will be missed… I’ll never forget you!
My favorite member from my favorite band died on my birthday.
Hope you find some peace
To his Family (which the Foo’s are included) and friends, my heart is with you. Hope you too can find some peace ♥️



Taylor, you will be missed so dearly. You and the Foos had and always will have such a strong impact on my life. Still cant imagine what the band will be without you. Rock on in heaven, we will always think of you and your music. You‘re a fucking legend! Everlong ❤️


Darmstadt, Germany

A great drummer and artist leave the world. You‘ll always be missed and I hope, you‘ll rock in heaven again. 🙏🏻❤️



My first concert ever was a foo fighters concert. Completely changed my view of music forever as it made me see the beauty of musicianship and passion in instruments. For this I am eternally grateful

Your image will live on forever. Rest in peace



It’s hard to believe you are no longer here with us. My heart breaks for your close friends and family. Your passion, talent, and excitement will be missed forever. 💔🤘

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Devastated 💔

Jane Waite


Still doesn’t seem real. Such a talented, vivacious character just gone? Gutted. It will never be the same 😕 love to Taylor’s family & friends & all Foofam x

Christine Barlow

Isle of Man

Thank you for all the smiles, beautiful energy and excellent music you contributed to the world. You are definitely missed.

Brian Smith


We've journeyed together through some really shitty parts of my life. Thank you for being part of my medicine, to calm me down or fire me up. It's hard to say goodbye to someone you've never met, yet the loss feels worse than for some of the people I did know.



I never met you personally but have seen you live and loved it. Foo Fighters have been mine and my cousin's favorite band since we were kids. It felt like we lost a family member. On my vacation this past weekend, I got a band to play a Foo song in memory. Rest easy Taylor.

Jeff H

Buffalo, MN

Taylor, you can never know the millions of people you brought so much joy to during your too short time on Earth. Your reach was immense and your loss overwhelming. Will miss you forever.

Erin H

Maryland USA

I love you Taylor. I have looked up to you since I was a little kid, and I always wished I could meet you. It breaks my heart that you left this world too soon, I miss you so so much and I will never forget you. I love you so much.

Aly Arpaio

Wow, the rock n roll world is a sadder place without you already Taylor.
Selfishly I feel so sad that I will probably never see the Foo fighters again.
My love and thoughts are with all your family, especially your wife and children. And also to the whole of the Foo family 💔🥰

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Rebecca lee


It is difficult to put the immense feelings of loss into words. Your music gave me the emotional and inner strength I needed to get through my divorce, so you did actually change my life, for the better. You were a light in this world. Thank you, Taylor. Love you.

Suzanne Cheshire

Oregon, USA

Still can't believe it. So grateful I lived in the time period that Taylor Hawkins got to rock out in.

Condolences to Taylor's friends , family and bandmates.

The music will live on forever.



Taylor. Rest easy brother 🙏🏻✝️ You brought such love and passion to ever show! You will be so missed. Thank you for the memories❤️🥰. Condolences to your Family and fellow Foo Fighters 🥲🥰🦋

Mary O


Taylor, you were a light in the darkness. You were boundless energy, talent, and enthusiasm. The world is poorer without you.

Christopher Brumfield

Bethlehem,PA, USA

While I only had the pleasure of seeing The Foo Fighters live once in Atlanta in 2011. Their music has been an important part of my journey through life. Taylor, my heart goes out to your family, friends, and your band mates. Rest in peace
I love you

Becky Crumley

Colbert Georgia

Terrible y triste pérdida de un artista fuera de serie. Te llevaremos siempre en nuestros corazones...vuela alto Taylor!!! 😔😔😔😔😔



Ciao Taylor, ti ho sempre voluto bene e la tua morte mi sembra irreale. Ti sento ancora vivo e sicuramente lo sei dentro ognuno di noi. Impossibile colmare questo enorme vuoto, solo la tua voce e la tua musica potranno scaldare i nostri cuori addolorati. Volta in alto, sempre

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You are greatly missed… always. Prayers and thoughts to your family, the band and close friends. You brought so much insane happiness through your music. You will never replaced but you have inspired so many to play on! Your music will live forever!


St Louis

I have never really listened to rock music until I saw you guys live and wow you blew my mind. I was hooked. We will be missed greatly. Rest in Peace. ❤

Sharon Smith

Uk 🇬🇧

I can only imagine the pain your family and friends are feeling right now. It doesn't feel real 2 think ur no longer here and that we will no longer see u do what u do best. I had the pleasure of seeing u perform live twice and was due 2 see u again this June. Long live T hawk 💕


Bristol UK

i love you with all my heart buddy. i don't know what to do without you. rest easy


Agradecida de verlo en vivo, descanse en paz leyenda 🙌

María F

Costa Rica

Rest in peace 🦅💔

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You were an amazing man and an unstoppable musician. Miss you mate.

Matt McGirr

New Zealand

I consider myself first a musician and as a drummer this news just sucked the air right out of the room. Taylor Hawkins was the embodiment of what made me fall in love with #drums I'm heartbroken for his family, Dave Grohl and The Foo Fighters. God speed and rest in peace.

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Criss MAdd


I will always remember you with your big smile. Forever Foo Fighters! Rest in peace with the amazing music you made.

Ángela Gómez

Bogotá, Colombia

You brought great joy to us all .You ll be missed greatly .Keep hammering those drums in the sky

Conor Murphy

New York City

You will be missed!

Eric Kimball




Devastated and heartbroken beyond words. Taylor brought fun, joy , and an inspiration to many. The love, respect and friendship within the Foos family was undeniably visible. Total love and respect. Hugs & love from around the world to Everyone who has been affectedx RIP x💔❤

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Karen and David Richardson

York England

No words can express how I feel. My deepest sympathy go out to Taylor’s wife, kids and family. Also to the rest of the band..

There goes our hero. Lost but never forgotten. Say hi to my parents up there.

Nathalie Tiemens

Kaatsheuvel, Holland, europe

In a world often full of sadness, your drumming, your voice, your smile, along with the brotherhood of the Foo Fighters, gave us all immense hope, inspiration and joy. You will surely be missed but your music & memory will always live on. Godspeed, Taylor Hawkins. Rest in beats.

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Kimberly Elman


So, so sad. Thank you for your musical Gifts you made us. Rock in Peace T.



Merci Taylor,grand merci,quel grand batteur tu étais,l élève a dépassé le maître Grohl,mon grand regret est d avoir vu les Foos qu une fois dans ma vie.Le tristesse ne me quitte pas depuis ton départ et je la partage avec les autres fans,tu nous manque déjà,Forever Taylor



Truly devastating loss of a great rock musician. I’ve been a fan since 2006 and I was going to see the band play live for the first time by the end of June this year. I wish I got to see you play just once. May you rest in peace, Taylor. Foo Fighters forever and always.



I like the rest of the world am truly sadden and heart broken over this loss. I send my love to the band and Taylor's family. His music will live on forever in many hearts. He was a rock star who loved what he did and the audience loved him right back! Xxx

Rachel Kershaw


I can not believe he is gone. Hé is surely drumming in heaven. I love this band, they are part of my life. Sometimes we are not conscious of the effect that we have in other persons. FF had helped me in difficult momentsTaylor, fly high. You will forever be in my heart ❤️



So grateful for all the wonderful memories seeing you play live. The world will not be the same without you. We are totally broken hearted! Our thoughts are with Taylors family and friends. RIP Taylor Hawkins xx

Claire, Katie & Jane Mwangi

Sheffield, UK

The saddest day ever 💔 you will be truly missed Taylor , thank you for the music in good times and bad times…you’ll always be in our hearts and ears 🥺

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Susan and Simon💔


Rest In peace Taylor. Enjoy your travel with your smile ❤️


Parma Italy

Deepest sympathy to all who loved him


Cheyenne, Wyoming

RIP Taylor and God Bless. Your music and everyone you touched with it will live on Forever. For me personally, this band and you in particular were a joy to listen to and watch. Your spirit and personality shown thru in everything you did. Below pic I Took in March 2015.

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New Jersey

Dear Taylor, so devastated that you’re gone from the World. Your light shone so brightly for all to see, hear and cherish!
I’m truly grateful that myself and partner were able to be part of your amazing energy and talent at Bellahouston, Glasgow for the Summer Sessions.

Justine J

Newport on Tay, Fife

Say hello to heaven!💔💔😞

Bar Cheled


Say hello to heaven!💔💔😞

Bar Cheled


Our hearts are broken, you left this world way too soon. I didn't know you but I felt connected to you you were positive spirit and will be greatly missed...

Justin Gaglio

San Antonio

What emptiness, sorrow and pain we feel as you leave us. All my love to the band and Taylor’s family. This hit us hard and you will be soo missed. Resr in Power




Your memory will live on forever through your music. You have so many people who love and miss you. My heart goes out to your bandmates, friends, and family during this tragic time. Thank you for giving all of us a chance to see/hear your special talent. Rest in peace ❤


Illinois, United States

Thank you for your magic smiles, your great energy and spirit. We will miss the human being you were. Such a Great Voice and love for music. Rest In Peace Taylor Hawkins



That iconic grimace while behind the drums, that iconic, bright smile when anywhere else, will never be forgotten, and neither will that incredible talent we got to enjoy for over 25 years. You are and will always be missed, RIP Taylor ♥😢



So lucky to have seen you And was due to see you again this summer .. Taylor you were the most amazing guy, the best drummer and a shining light , we will all miss you so so much .. ❤️

Jackie,George and Lauren

London England

Thank you for the music Taylor. Your smile and skills will be truly missed ❤️ Foo Fighter Forever💙


AB Canada

Es inexplicable el sentimiento de sorpresa por tu partida
Tan repentina!!
Nunca te vamos a olvidar 😭
Gracias por tu música
Que Descanses en Paz Taylor❤️❤️


Buenos Aires Argentina

What a drumming legend. Much love to you all. Laura, Rich, Artie & Bobby xx



Rest in peaceful heaven! Your drumming is phenomenal!! Heaven is a brighter place! Much love to all!

Stephanie Dietrich

La Porte , IN

I've been listening to you play drums since 2004 when I started drumming. Your energy, intensity, fluidity and over all shine and love for music left me in awe and it inspired me to pick up a set of sticks, sit behind a kit and play my heart out. Thank you! R.I.P

Brian M

Oklahoma City

...so unbelievable and sad.... Taylor's now playing drums for Freddy and all the others...



Taylor is dead, long live Taylor!!!



Dear sweet Taylor, you will be sorely missed, Watching you play on that stage was such a joy, I loved watching chemistry between you and Dave it shined so bright.
RIP dude the whole world misses you xx


Leicestershire, England

I shed a tear when I heard the news that you had gone,like you were a longtime friend.
I think of you fondly and positively and hope you are rocking out with all the other fabulous musicians we have lost .



The foos have been a part of my story since 1997. A piece of me was lost the day you died as I'm sure it was for many others. May you rest in peace and may your family, friends and the food find peace and comfort in the love fans worldwide have expressed. Fly free T!



I’m still shocked by your passing. My sincere condolences to your family, to Dave, Pat and the guys.
Thank you Taylor.
Rest in peace

Riccardo C.


Fly high, gone way too soon. Love to your family, and all your Foo Fighter family and fans, we will miss you 💙

Helen Price

United Kingdom

Thanks for the memories and the music Taylor, you have brought so much joy to my life and you will be remembered forever. Rest in peace

Dave Lloyd

Wirral, UK

Such a tragic loss of an incredibly talented man. What is there to say that others haven't? His smile, sense of humour amd obvious love of life were inspiring. Always loved, never forgotten.


United Kingdom

Always in my heart!

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Isabella Spindola de Jesus

Brasil - SC

Good bless you! We miss you dearly. Xo

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Liz M

Jupiter Fl

Way too soon, man… way too soon. Rest In Peace Taylor.


Milan, Italy

I am beyond lucky to have been brought up on your music since the day I was born, I am forever grateful to of seen you all perform it really was an honour❤️ Taylor was truly the most kindhearted, beautiful man. My heart breaks for all of you, may Taylor rest in peace. I love you❤️❤️


Bournemouth, England

Sending my sincerest condolences to the Hawkins family , and the Foo Fighters . My heart is heavy. Taylor was the light in any room. I met him once outside a show, he was so kind to come say Hello. This one going to take time, Taylor was definitely one of a kind. Rest in beats.

Kassy Bos

Port Alberni BC

My deepest condolences to your close ones. Your lovely energy and powerful drumming will be heavily missed.
RIP 🌞🌞🌞



The 1st time I saw the Foos was at ACL in 2015. That concert blew me away and made a mega fan for life out of me & my gf. Someone in the crowd had a sign of just Taylor’s face, Dave & Taylor were cracking up about it! The Foos mean so much to me❤️I’ll never forget you. RIP TH

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Diana P

Austin, TX

Heaven is a big bang now, sleep easy Taylor, will miss you loads, thinking of everyone who loves you ❤️

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Jo jones


My heart breaks for you, your wife, your children, your family, Dave, your FF band, and all of your fans. You WILL BE MISSED! You are an amazing person. Heaven is Rocking now and lucky to have you. RIP Taylor.

Alina Wright

Felton California

RIP T - I never met you yet your music, presence, and passion touched me deeply . The world has lost an inspiring musician and bright light and soul. Your charisma and talent will be a gaping hole in this world . I love the Foos yet T lit up the stage. Shine bright. Sea photo

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Shana Duffy

Scottsdale AZ

Still processing this sad sad news🥲 you will be greatly missed! Thank you for the music! 🥁



Heartbreaking time for you all but thankyou for the music you have given us. Love to Taylor as he flies in skies and to all his family and friends alike x


Manchester UK

Dear Taylor,
We will gonna miss you and your music! ❤️
We will always remind your great smile.
The world has lost another icon! 🤍
Thank you for everything! 🎶❤️
My heart goes out to the Hawkins family, FF family and all the people who loved Taylor and have to miss him! ❤️


The Netherlands
